Active & Sustainable Travel
Spindrift has a growing portfolio of projects and experience which build on Director Jody Slaters personal love of active travel. A commuting cyclist since university, Jody has steadily embraced the many benefits of utility cycling, and its place in supporting other sustainable transport modes, under represented groups such as the disabled, parents and the elderly, and its value in improving the nations health ( physical, mental, financial and environmental!)
Jody is a cargo bike enthusiast (she's riding an Urban Arrow Family for those who are interested) and is uniquely placed to help design teams see the world we move through from an alternative perspective. We're taking on;
Scheme Review
Strategic Masterplanning & Network Development
LCWIP Audits

Land East of Basingstoke
The strategic framework developed for this HCC site for the Issues & Options stage of the Basingstoke Local Plan facilitated new bus routes, LTN's, cycle lanes and grappled with district wide traffic projections issues and complex junction design.

GE Aviation Appeal
Jody made representations and then appeared as member of the public, to oppose detailed access solutions which reduced the quality of walking and cycling provision on the access to this proposed development. It was the first appeal decision to cite the requirements of LTN 1/20 as a reason for refusal.

Southampton Science Park
Spindrift undertook a comprehensive analysis and visioning exercise in preparation for development of a long term masterplan for this complex site. Its location on the edge of Southampton, but within a neighbouring district, and its limited public transport connectivity has required a focus on alternative transport options.

LCWIP Auditing
Jody has finally achieved a career highlight - being paid to ride a bike! More specifically to ride specific routes on her bike and audit them as part of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans Preparation & Review process for Hampshire County Council. Potential clients should note she is also very happy to take her cargo bike out for work!

